Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Amaryllis, HAPPY NEW YEAR & Addendum on the Blanket

 I planted my amaryllis bulb weeks ago. It was slow to get started but once it did it took off like crazy and got taller, and taller, making me think I might have to cut a hole in my ceiling, lol. This is the first one for me although I have given a couple as gifts before. When I bought it I was thinking I could use some prettiness during the cold and gloomy days of winter. And so it goes, we have numbing cold and more snow in the forecast. The weatherman says starting tonight at midnight possibly 8 inches in total by Thursday. So here we go again with the snow removal. Anyone caught out celebrating will have bad weather to deal with. I am so glad I am way past that point in my life. I would rather just spend quiet time here at home where I can fall asleep at midnight in my chair. Nothing like snoring out the old and snoring in the new year :)

 I sometimes totally suck at taking pictures. Now look at this masterpiece, did I even realize that at the top, where the pending bloom is, that I got the bottom of the wind chimes behind it, no I did not! Well, I could go back and retake it but I won't. I think you all get the idea about how tall this plant was getting. Does anyone have any tips on these? I could use some pointers. I know you can save it and plant it outside when the danger of frost is gone. Should I transplant it in my flowerbed, or should I just set the pot on the porch and bring it back in for another blooming this next year?

I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year, one that is good to you in all walks of your life ♥

Addendum: And for any of you who are wondering how it went with mom and the blanket, it went well. She was very happy, in fact she gave me a big hug and "Thank You!" She even offered to pay for it, but I refused anything, after all I had made it as a present because she wanted one so badly. I am glad that is now in the past, and time to move on ♥


  1. I really don't know anything about Amaryllis', but I think I would keep it as a house flower. I'm glad to hear that your Mom loved her blanket. :)

  2. Hi Susanne! I wish now that I'd gotten a bulb to grow here in the farmhouse! I'm so glad you got your mom's blanket done and can move on.. and so glad she loved it so much!

      *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Your Mom liking the blanket and saying thank you is a lovely way to end 2013. I love your amaryllis, Mine did not get that tall but had four beautiful flowers from one bulb head. Happy New Year Susanne, you are a blessing to so many including me.

  4. I have never grown one myself. But they are so pretty! I was glad to hear that your Mom was so gracious with receiving her blanket.
    XO Kris

  5. LOL! I like that - "snoring out the old and snoring in the new" I'll have to remember that one :-)

  6. Your blanket turned so pretty...how nice that your mom graciously received your gift. I read your background on your relationship. I say always be the better person. I am anOhio blogger too although I have been raking a hiatus for over a year. Some family issues threw me out of the loop. I found you through Meredith who has remained a friend of mine. I hope 2014 brings you good health and happiness.


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