Monday, May 2, 2011

Still Hooking Those AF

I am still at it, crocheting away on these African Flowers and hoping to see the end of this project in the near future. I am still not happy with that so-called light sage green, for I really wish it was a lighter shade. Maybe when they are all sewn together I will be more satisfied. It is funny how we get things in our minds and they bug us. I just did not want to have to make an 8o mile round trip to exchange yarn, not with gas prices being what they are. If I was a craftier woman I would have sheep and know all about getting that wool from them critters, spinning and dying it to the color I had in mind and not worry about gas prices and all that hub bub. But, alas, I am a spoiled modern day woman who has grown up with all sorts of yarn at her fingertips. Some times progress is not so good, and we begin to realize that the "good ole days" were truly the good ole days. Also just for a FYI, I would hope everyone checks out Debbie and her Newbie party. You can click here and check out her site as well as reading about the details to join. You can also link to her blog by clicking on her button that I have posted down on the right side column. This party is every Monday. There are some requirements. 

I can't wait to start sewing these together. I have 2 more stacks not in the pic.

Other than that there isn't much new going on in my corner of the world. Our weather is still cool and believe it or not it is still cold enough to have our furnace running. We have been lucky to have had a few warm days, but they came with terrible thunder storms and news the next day of our southern states having had the worst tornado activity in history. On a more serious note my heart goes out to those poor souls. Where does one even begin to rebuild a life as it once was? Some things can be replaced, but the lives lost is not one of them. I think too of the little things that are lost, like family photos and little trinkets that were keepsakes. This would be the time when you would know the strength of family, friends and community bonds. As the years have passed people have become too independent of each other. It kinda makes one think that maybe this is God's way of letting us know that none of us were meant to be an island to one's self and also to remember who is in control. After all, this is not our earth, it is God's creation. It is only lent to us for our lifetime and he would expect us to take care of it and all the living creatures that dwell on it. Try to find good in something every day. Do good deeds, and love one another. My hope for all of you and myself is peace ♥


  1. Susanne, I so agree with you. I feel so bad for those people, their lives in shambles or the loss of loved ones. Such a sad, sad thing to happen. Even the pictures on the news can't come close to what it is really like. On a better note, I have to say I really like the green. I think it is a perfect color for the border. Keep up the good work,

  2. Do you know my friend Kate from Garden bell? If you do not you need to become fast and furious much in common here. The tunes, the crochet, the colors. Very cool. Thanks for joining my newbie party.


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