Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weather and Organizing

I guess all of you are just a bit tired of coming to my pages and reading about me whining about the snow. Believe me, I would love to cut the snow right out of my life, but we got another 8 inches on Thursday night and yesterday I spent shoveling again. I use to love snow, but I find myself grumbling, "I hate this stuff!" And to add insult to injury we are due for more again today. If I looked out the window and saw a polar bear I would not be the least bit surprised. Maybe this really isn't Ohio, but Alaska.........

On another note I have spent the last 2 mornings in this sewing room and organizing. I purchased some small, inexpensive containers the end of  last year. I have 3 varieties and figuring out what I wanted to put in them has been an issue. A couple times I  filled a few only to decide that wasn't what I was going to do, so I removed the contents and switched things around. It has been fun though, seeing things take shape and the clutter slowly disappearing. The other day Debbie visited and made a comment that more time is spent organizing than crafting......truer words were never spoken. I can definitely relate to that. Sometimes I just amaze myself that I use to keep all my "stuff" in my bedroom closet. It just evolved into this craft monster. I can actually remember the very first craft book I bought. I was 19 at the time and if I remember right, it was an over-sized McCall's Craft Magazine. It was about the size of the large road atlas one buys for traveling. I wore that magazine out looking at all the neat stuff I could make. That was in 1970 and I was a new bride and I was going to make it all. When I look back I don't think I made one dang thing that was in it because several weeks later the new issue was on the magazine stand.....yep, I bought it. What is also amazing is that magazine cost only about $1.25....compared to what one pays today for crafting books, that was a real bargain. ♥


  1. Hi Susanne, Sorry about more snow you have had, my parents are out in Germany and have just had more snow, and here we are starting to get excited about all the little daffodils and crocuses that are popping up. Hopefully you will see green grass and little buds soon! :)

  2. Mom, I think you should do before and after shots on your sewing room! That would be fun!

  3. Hi Sue, looks like your moving forward on your reorganizing project. Good for you! I haven't even seen my sewing room for the last 3 weeks (Now I am whining LOL). Have fun, and yes post pictures.


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